It’s a bit of a naughty dish, but these ingredients just work so well together… it’s a classic pasta loved by kids, enjoyed across Italy, sometimes even served with tortellini! It can be made with frozen peas, but it really makes sense to make this recipe in spring when fresh peas are at their best, crunchy and sweet. The name – panna, prosciutto e piselli – literally translates to cream, ham and peas.
Recipe for 2
1 lb fresh peas
½ lb diced prosciutto cotto (cooked ham)
½ lb cream
½ an onion
¼ lb parmigiano reggiano cheese
½ lb dried pasta
EVOO to taste
Nutmeg to taste
Salt and pepper to taste

Bring a large pot of water to boil. In the meanwhile, dice the onion and ham, shell the peas. In a pan heat a tbsp. of EVOO add the onion and cook until soft. Then add the ham, cook for a few minutes and then add the peas. After 5 minutes add the cream. Lower the flame and simmer. Add nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste.
Once the water boils cook the pasta for the time suggested on the pack. Add the pasta to the pan with a little pasta cooking water. Grate half of the cheese in the pan, mix well and sauté for a few minutes. Serve with a drizzle of EVOO and some freshly grated cheese.

Buon appetito!